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Re: NCRP bias?


    I have reviewed much of Bernie's work and think it has  a sound

logical and scientific basis - but that is not the point!

    I would not be personally affected one way or another by how his

 work is generally viewed. On the other hand, NCRP is dependent

on the acceptance of LNT to justify its very existence. If low-dose

radiation were not considered harmful, or possibly even beneficial

in nature, why would we need an NCRP and/or similar organizations?


----- Original Message -----

From: John Jacobus <crispy_bird@YAHOO.COM>

To: Jerry Cohen <jjcohen@PRODIGY.NET>; BERNARD L COHEN <blc+@PITT.EDU>;

internet RADSAFE <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>

Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 4:41 AM

Subject: Re: NCRP bias?

> Jerry,

> Maybe you would like to review the work.  After all,

> you are certainly unbiased.


> --- Jerry Cohen <jjcohen@PRODIGY.NET> wrote:

> > Bernie,

> >     I wonder if NCRP is really capable of giving

> > your work an unbiased

> > evaluation. Keep in mind that for decades NCRP has

> > advocated and supported

> > policies predicated on LNT, the most egregious being

> > ALARA. Although the

> > individuals making the evaluation may all be fine

> > scientists, it is simply

> > not consistent with human nature for NCRP to admit

> > that they have been

> > wrong for all those years.



> =====

> -- John

> John Jacobus, MS

> Certified Health Physicist

> e-mail:  crispy_bird@yahoo.com


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