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RE: Uranium in GW correlations w/ Radon, etc.
Eric, Radsafers,
As the former lead for the US Geological Survey's Uranium and Radon Program
(terminated in 1995), I might be able to offer some insights here.
The short answer is that radium has very low solubility under most shallow
ground water conditions, uranium has varying solubility, and radon is not
dependent on solubility but rather on the concentration of radium on
fracture or sediment surfaces in the aquifer and the fraction of radon
kicked into the adjacent volume of water (or air) when alpha recoil occurs
as radium decays. Thus a granite with uranium-enriched fracture surfaces
will likely yield high levels of radon to the water in those fractures, but
will only yield high concentrations of uranium if uranium is soluble in the
water under the local conditions. Hence correlations between uranium and
radon are likely for only wells in limited geologic and hydrologic domains
with similar conditions. Unless the uranium has only recently been
emplaced, high uranium wells will often be high radon wells. Positive
correlations between radium and uranium in water are unlikely under most
Here is the long answer:
Naturally occurring uranium, radium, and radon behave somewhat differently
in the environment dependent on differences in their own chemistry and
differences in the solid and aqueous geochemistry of the local rock,
sediment, or soil and the ground waters they occur in. In general, uranium
is mobile under oxidizing conditions because the U +6 ion (the oxidized
species of uranium) is highly soluble and is readily complexed by anions
that commonly occur in oxidizing waters (bicarbonate, for example). Uranium
in reduced form, the U +4 ion, is very insoluble. Similarly, thorium, which
forms only Th+ 4 ions, is very insoluble. Uranium can be adsorbed from
solution under oxidizing conditions by iron oxyhydroxides ("rust"), organic
matter (both humic substances and living/dead microorganisms), and other
agents. Adsorption thus limits uranium's mobility where such agents are
present as they commonly are. However, high concentrations of complexing
agents can keep uranium in solution.
In the near surface environment, rocks of all kinds undergo physical and
chemical weathering. Rainwater is somewhat acidic and has elevated oxygen
content and will oxidize and move uranium readily. Uranium is held in rocks
in minerals that are either very resistant to weathering or are readily
destroyed by weathering or something in between. Uranium may also be
present on mineral grain surfaces or in fractures where it is readily
oxidized and leached by ground water during the early stages of weathering.
Uranium that becomes mobilized may move extremely short distances or rather
long distances, but where adsorbed, it ends up in mineral coatings on
fractures in rocks or grain surfaces in sediment, with the water it was
derived from very close by.
Thus as rocks weather in the near surface environment, some uranium will
become mobile and some remains with the weathered rock, or soils and
sediment formed from components of the weathered rock. Thorium in rocks
occurs locked in minerals that don't weather easily or, where it is
reachable by groundwater, it has very limited solubility. Thorium-234 that
forms by radioactive decay from U-238 in solution immediately precipitates
out or is sorbed to mineral grain surfaces, suspended particulate matter, or
colloids in solution. Ultimately, all uranium and thorium ends up in the
oceans, carried there in solution, on suspended matter, or in sediment
carried along near the stream bottom.
Radium has limited solubility and mobility under near-surface oxidizing
conditions. It tends to remain locked in minerals or in the weathering
products of those minerals. It is readily sorbed from solution by a variety
of mineral surfaces. Some radium can be transported by suspended matter or
colloids. It will coprecipitate with various very insoluble minerals where
sulfate is present. Only under somewhat unusual conditions is radium
somewhat mobile- for example, highly saline, chloride-rich reducing waters
found in oilfields.
Radon is generally chemically inert but responds to various physical
processes. Radon can become mobile when alpha recoil during its formation
kicks the radon atom from a mineral grain or grain surface into a
water-filled or air-filled pore. The fraction of radon that escapes to the
pore is called the emanation fraction. Once in the pore it can move by
diffusion or advection. Radon can be sorbed to certain high-surface-area
materials such as activiated carbon. Note that where the predecessors of
radon have been concentrated along fractures in weathering rock or on the
surfaces of mineral grains in sediment or soil, the effective concentration
of radon (or uranium) available to water- or air-filled pores is much higher
than the original concentration of uranium in the parent unweathered rock.
In summary, under near-surface, oxidizing conditions the following occurs
(only relatively long-lived isotopes are considered):
U-238- mobile
Th-234- immobile
U-234 mobile
Th-230- immobile
Ra- 226- immobile
Rn-222- mobility controlled by alpha recoil and physical proximity to a
water- or air-filled fracture
All Th-232 decay series isotopes are immobile under near-surface oxidizing
conditions down to Rn-220, which has mobility similar to Rn-222.
Note that the residence time of the uranium on the walls of a fracture or
soil grain surface and the 1/2 life of the decay products has a role in the
accumulation of radium and radon on the surface and their subsequent
availability to the water or air in the adjacent opening. Freshly sorbed
or precipitated uranium has little ingrown radium or radon to contribute.
Significant radium and radon ingrowth doesn't occur for 20,000 years and
secular equilibrium is approached at about 300,000 years (when the activity
of the radium and radon about equals that of the uranium present).
Note that the concentration of uranium in the water in a rock fracture or
soil pore is dependent on the concentration of uranium on the fracture or
pore surface, the ratio of the fracture or pore volume to the surface area
of the fracture or pore and the rate of dissolution and reprecipitation of
uranium (the equilibrium condition). The concentration of radon in the
water or air of a rock fracture or soil pore is dependent on the
concentration of radium on the fracture or pore surface, the ratio of the
fracture or pore volume to the surface area of the fracture or pore, and the
emanation rate of the radon. Thus the uranium or radon concentration in
water in a rock with open fractures or soil or sediment with high porosity
will tend to be less that that of a rock with tight fractures or soil or
sediment with little porosity.
Maine geology is dominated by metamorphic rocks and granites with a widely
distributed veneer of glacial deposits. Much of the rest of New England is
similar. The granites of Maine and adjacent New Hampshire are generally the
most uranium-enriched rocks of the area although some of the high-grade
metamorphic rocks are also enriched. The uranium content of New England
granites varies as reported in the following abstract:
Hon, Rudolph, and Nancy M. Davis, 1989, Determinations of bulk emanation
rates of selected granites by gamma ray spectroscopy [abs.]: Eos, Am.
Geophys. Union Trans., 70(15): 496
...eleven selected granites, predominantly from SE New England, were
measured by gamma-ray spectroscopy.... Uranium abundances vary from a low of
2 ppm to a high of 46 ppm. Alkaline and peralkaline granites show range
between 5 and 10 ppm; whereas peraluminous and two- mica granites give a
typical range of 5 to 20 ppm with a few samples yielding as high levels as
46 ppm......
Prior to glaciation (12,000-13,000 years ago and older), the granitic and
metamorphic rocks of New England were extensively physically and chemically
weathered. It seems likely that uranium was distributed in these rocks
based on the principles outlined above. The distribution of uranium in
granites and granitic metamorphic rocks in the southern Piedmont of the
southeastern U.S. (which has not been glaciated) has been studied to some
degree and may provide some insights to Maine and New England prior to
glaciation. Where a granite has a high percentage of readily mobilized
uranium, uranium becomes leached from the highly weathered part of the
granite close to the surface and can become concentrated on fracture walls
near the weathering "front" at some depth within the granite.
Alternatively, if uranium (with accompanying thorium) occurs mostly in
highly resistant minerals in the granite, uranium may accumulate in near
surface residual soils or in stream deposits and very little uranium moves
about in the ground water. Granites coevring the spectrum in between also
When glaciers covered most of Maine and New England, the bedrock was
subjected to extensive "scraping". Weathered and unweathered bedrock was
incorporated into the basal ice and transported varying distances to points
(mostly southerly) and deposited as till. Till can vary dramatically in
grain size from clay to boulders. During melting of the glaciers some of
this till was reworked into coarse gravelly deposits. Locally glacial lakes
may have formed and finer grained sediments deposited in them.
Groundwater in Maine can be derived from the more permeable glacial
deposits, the reworked coarse gravelly material, and from fractures in
bedrock. Where the glacial deposits and reworked material are derived from
uranium-enriched granites or metamorhphic rocks, they are likely to be
enriched in uranium themselves. Waters in these various glacial deposits
may have elevated uranium concentrations and radon levels where the glacial
deposits have elevated uranium and radium concentrations on grain surfaces
and high emanating fractions. Because glacial deposits typically represent
a blended melange of rocks derived from up-ice sources it is unlikely that
extreme radon or uranium concentrations will be found in aquifers hosted by
them. It seems likely that highest uranium concentrations in ground water
occur in areas where uranium-enriched granites with a high fraction of
leachable uranium occur and where old pre-glacial deep weathered zones have
been preserved from glaciation. Water supplies tapping fractures in such
rocks can have high uranium if the equilibrium conditions favor uranium
mobility and will have high radon in any case because radon is independent
of uranium equilibrium conditions. In some areas there is an inverse
correlation observed between well yield (lower well yields may mean tighter
bedrock fractures) and radon or uranium concentrations in bedrock ground
waters. This is probably related to the fracture volume to fracture surface
area ratio noted above.
Jim Otton
Energy Program
U.S. Geological Survey
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
[mailto:owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu]On Behalf Of Frohmberg, Eric
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 2:11 PM
To: Radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
Subject: Uranium in GW correlations w/ Radon, etc.
Hey all,
I'm a toxicologist with the Env. Tox. Program in the Maine Bur. of Health.
In Maine we have a problem with U in well water - not a horrible problem
overall - maybe a few percent of wells above 20-30 ug/l, but what makes my
palms sweat is the occasional wells in the 2,000+ ppb range. We know that
kidney tox is the issue (altho you do get some cancer risk at these high
concentrations - especially when you take into account disequilibrium).
(Obviously, we tell them to take corrective actions).
But what I want to look into is correlations between U and radon or radium
in well water (I should say this is a little bit academic - we have a radon
issue in Maine as well - our recommendation is that everyone do a radon
test, there doesn't seem to be a lot of radium in wellwater in Maine).
While I'm waiting for our in house data to appear, I thought I'd ask the
collective wisdom in radsafe land. I haven't found a lot in the literature
that suggests decent correlations (it really seems to depend a lot on local
geology, etc.). Do any of you have any direct experience or opinions? In
particular, I'm more interested in correlations between U and radium in GW
at these higher levels. Thoughts?
Eric Frohmberg
Key Plaza, 8th Floor
11 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0011
Tel: (207) 287-8141
FAX: (207) 287-3981
TTY: (207) 287-8066
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