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Research using RAM
Hi all: here's an off the wall question.
Does anyone know of a government agency or scientific body that maintains a list,i.e. titles, of all research that involved the use of radioactive materials? Even a partial list would be cool. Such a list could be a powerful tool when showing the benefits of RAM. If somebody could give me even a decent guess at how many science studies have used RAM, that would be of use. It has to be in the hundreds of thousands, maybe millions.
I was looking at UCLA's present day use of RAM in research and I am guessing we have at least a thousand studies going on which use RAM. Can you imagine the number world wide? Whew!
Larry Grimm, Senior HP
UCLA EH&S/ Radiation Safety Division
* lgrimm@admin.ucla.edu
* Phone: (310) 206-0712 Fax: (310) 206-9051 Cell: (310) 863-5556
* On Campus Mail: 501 Westwood Plaza, 4th Floor, MS 951605
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