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Re: Panic more dangerous than WMD
Susan, thanks for posting the Trib item. What an utterly puzzling article! In addition
your warranted concerns for correcting misconceptions, I was eqally impressed by this
from Secy. Ridge:
"Weapons of mass destruction, including those containing chemical, biological or
radiological agents or materials, cannot be discounted."
What pray tell are NBC weapons (or WMD to use the new acronym) besides "
...chemical, biological or radiological ...." Do we now have some new classes of
secret weapons? How odd for this to come from the head of Homeland Security. These
folks are really probing the profound depths.
Maury Siskel maury@webtexas.com
Susan L Gawarecki wrote:
> RadSafers:
> Here is the scariest part of the article: "In the absence of responsible government
> communication, it will be up to the media to take the lead in correcting
> misconceptions."
> We're doomed!
> My opinion only,
> Susan Gawarecki
> Panic more dangerous than WMD
> In the event of a dirty bomb or biological weapon attack, accurate and consistent
> information, from government and the media, will be critical to avoiding panic
> By Michael Levi. Michael A. Levi is the Science & Technology fellow in Foreign
> Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution
> May 26, 2003
> http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/oped/chi-0305260178may26,1,221799.story
> ----------------- snipped ---------------
It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
Charles M. Province
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