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Gamma Energies online: a cautionary tale

I too have consulted the reference you provide. Unfortunately, I have found

what I perceive to be serious errors in the tabulated data. I will provide

an example and reference.

Consider Pd-103:


It lists electron emissions at 503.34 keV at 99.9% intensity. 

This radiation is not reported in any other reference I have consulted,

including papers by the brachytherapy experts (Williamson, Nath, etc.). I

have contacted the webmaster many months ago about this particular issue,

and they have not responded or deemed it fit to correct the mistake.

My advise is to avoid using it or only to use it with extreme caution (with

corroborative information from an authoritative but independent source). 


-----Original Message-----

From: Arvic Harms [mailto:Arvic.Harms@npl.co.uk]

Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 4:24 AM

To: 'Mitchell Davis'; Radsafepost

Subject: RE: Gamma Energies online

Dear Mitchell,

You may try http://www-nds.iaea.org/ ,

http://nucleardata.nuclear.lu.se/NuclearData/toi/radSearch.asp or



Arvic Harms

Dr Arvic Harms

Centre for Acoustics and Ionising Radiation

National Physical Laboratory

Queens Road

Teddington TW11 0LW


United Kingdom

E-mail: arvic.harms@npl.co.uk 

Tel ++44 20 8943 8512

Fax ++44 20 8614 0488 


 -----Original Message-----

From: Mitchell Davis [mailto:radiation@cox.net]

Sent: 05 July 2003 22:45

To: Radsafepost

Subject: Gamma Energies online


I know I have asked this before but am desperate.  Are there any GOOD

websites to search for isotopes and find the gamma energies and %

abundance?  Perhaps an online or electronic copy of Erhtman-Soyka

(spelling I'm sure!!)?  Thanks for the help.

Mitchell W. Davis, RRPT

Health Physicist


432-349-4824 (Cell)



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