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Re: Old ammo may be health risk


Dear Mr. Ireland:

The primary reason our soldiers such as Mr. Finan are apprehensive about depleted uranium ammunition is because fear-mongers and antinuclear activists such as Rokke are constantly misrepresenting the facts to them.

Dr. Rokke does not tell the truth about himself and he does not have the credentials to make the scientific allegations of DU health effects that he makes. For example, he has been "dying" of DU poisoning for about thirteen years now.

If you attend his presentation, ask him what is doctorate is in, ask him if he has any published papers in peer-reviewed professional journals, ask him to prove his allegation about the uranium content in his body. In fact, ask him what is his current primary source of income.

He did not ever direct a battlefield cleanup of DU. He was a bit player on a team of civilian experts from Rock Island Arsenal. He was never the "Pentagon's expert" in anything.

I cannot expose him for you or your readers because you won't believe me. But you can do it yourself. Ask him for proof. He has none.

Andy Karam at the University of Rochester is an excellent source for you. He may be out of town right now but contact him about this issue when you have a chance. Or ask any radiobiologist or nuclear medicine physician in Rochester about DU's health effects.

You will find that Rokke is full of baloney, not depleted uranium.

The only "crime" here is that Rokke and his ilk are attempting to deprive our military of an important offensive weapon and a defensive armor system and spreading fear among our troops when no cause for that fear exists.

Bob Cherry, Ph.D.,

Certified Health Physicist

Colonel, U.S. Army (retired)

142 E. Agarita Ave.

San Antonio, TX 78212-2922