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And there ya have it, next ice age on the way
- To: Bob Howd <BHOWD@oehha.ca.gov>, "editor@co2andclimate.org" <editor@co2andclimate.org>, "Fritz A. Seiler" <faseiler@nmia.com>, Howard Long <hflong@pacbell.net>, "James S Dukelow, Jr." <jim.dukelow@PNL.GOV>, Jerry Cohen <jjcohen@PRODIGY.NET>, Jim Muckerheide <jmuckerheide@cnts.wpi.edu>, John Jacobus <crispy_bird@yahoo.com>, KRLD Charley Jones <jonesmail@cbs.com>, MarkSiskel <markss@ev1.net>, "Richard D. Boltuck" <rboltuck@ix.netcom.com>, Robert Godfrey <rgodfrey@facstaff.wisc.edu>, RobinSiskel <eclectk1@aol.com>, Herbert Inhaber <hinhaber@hotmail.com>, The Prophets <wallyproph@aol.com>, Michael Stabin <michael.g.stabin@vanderbilt.edu>
- Subject: And there ya have it, next ice age on the way
- From: maury <maury@webtexas.com>
- Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 03:16:27 -0500