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Re: Ruth; Otto; Mark Miller; Brian K; Bob Flood: Jaro: John J
My comment regarding Cs-137 was to the idea that they
are looking a Ca-45 in baby teeth. Obviously this
plays into the concerns people have about childhood
cancers. However, it you examine the distribution of
Cs-137, which is also a long-lived component of
fallout and nuclear reactions. It is ubiquitous. It
is found in deer meat, in the soil, etc., in trace
amounts just like Sr-90.
Of course, environmental sampling does not have the
emotional impact of baby teeth.
--- Norm Cohen <Cohen12@comcast.net> wrote:
> I'll answer what I can from this and other posts.
> I'm putting this all
> on one post to make it easier for you all to delete.
> ;-)
. . .
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Andrew Jackson
-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail: crispy_bird@yahoo.com
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