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Very interesting. I,like I think most of us, was taught it was due to U-Nat
and Th-Nat.
Thanks for posting it.
John R Johnson, Ph.D.
President, IDIAS, Inc
4535 West 9-Th Ave
Vancouver B. C.
V6R 2E2
(604) 222-9840
or most mornings
Consultant in Radiation Protection
4004 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver B. C.
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(604) 222-1047 Ext. 6610
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-----Original Message-----
From: owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
[mailto:owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu]On Behalf Of Susan L Gawarecki
Sent: December 15, 2003 2:13 PM
Subject: Radioactive potassium may be major heat source in Earth’s core
Radioactive potassium may be major heat source in Earth’s core
BERKELEY – Radioactive potassium, common enough on Earth to make
potassium-rich bananas one of the “hottest” foods around, appears also
to be a substantial source of heat in the Earth’s core, according to
recent experiments by University of California, Berkeley, geophysicists.
Radioactive potassium, uranium and thorium are thought to be the three
main sources of heat in the Earth’s interior, aside from that generated
by the formation of the planet. Together, the heat keeps the mantle
actively churning and the core generating a protective magnetic field.
But geophysicists have found much less potassium in the Earth’s crust
and mantle than would be expected based on the composition of rocky
meteors that supposedly formed the Earth. If, as some have proposed, the
missing potassium resides in the Earth’s iron core, how did an element
as light as potassium get there, especially since iron and potassium
don’t mix?
Kanani Lee, who recently earned her Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, and UC
Berkeley professor of earth and planetary science Raymond Jeanloz have
discovered a possible answer. They’ve shown that at the high pressures
and temperatures in the Earth’s interior, potassium can form an alloy
with iron never before observed. During the planet’s formation, this
potassium-iron alloy could have sunk to the core, depleting potassium in
the overlying mantle and crust and providing a radioactive potassium
heat source in addition to that supplied by uranium and thorium in the core.
Lee created the new alloy by squeezing iron and potassium between the
tips of two diamonds to temperatures and pressures characteristic of
600-700 kilometers below the surface - 2,500 degrees Celsius and nearly
4 million pounds per square inch, or a quarter of a million times
atmospheric pressure.
“Our new findings indicate that the core may contain as much as 1,200
parts per million potassium -just over one tenth of one percent,” Lee
said. “This amount may seem small, and is comparable to the
concentration of radioactive potassium naturally present in bananas.
Combined over the entire mass of the Earth’s core, however, it can be
enough to provide one-fifth of the heat given off by the Earth.”
Lee and Jeanloz will report their findings on Dec. 10, at the American
Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, and in an article accepted
for publication in Geophysical Research Letters.
“With one experiment, Lee and Jeanloz demonstrated that potassium may be
an important heat source for the geodynamo, provided a way out of some
troublesome aspects of the core’s thermal evolution, and further
demonstrated that modern computational mineral physics not only
complements experimental work, but that it can provide guidance to
fruitful experimental explorations,” said Mark Bukowinski, professor of
earth and planetary science at UC Berkeley, who predicted the unusual
alloy in the mid-1970s.
Geophysicist Bruce Buffett of the University of Chicago cautions that
more experiments need to be done to show that iron can actually pull
potassium away from the silicate rocks that dominate in the Earth’s mantle.
“They proved it would be possible to dissolve potassium into liquid
iron,” Buffet said. “Modelers need heat, so this is one source, because
the radiogenic isotope of potassium can produce heat and that can help
power convection in the core and drive the magnetic field. They proved
it could go in. What’s important is how much is pulled out of the
silicate. There’s still work to be done “
If a significant amount of potassium does reside in the Earth’s core,
this would clear up a lingering question - why the ratio of potassium to
uranium in stony meteorites (chondrites), which presumably coalesced to
form the Earth, is eight times greater than the observed ratio in the
Earth’s crust. Though some geologists have asserted that the missing
potassium resides in the core, there was no mechanism by which it could
have reached the core. Other elements like oxygen and carbon form
compounds or alloys with iron and presumably were dragged down by iron
as it sank to the core. But at normal temperature and pressure,
potassium does not associate with iron.
Others have argued that the missing potassium boiled away during the
early, molten stage of Earth’s evolution.
The demonstration by Lee and Jeanloz that potassium can dissolve in iron
to form an alloy provides an explanation for the missing potassium.
“Early in Earth’s history, the interior temperature and pressure would
not have been high enough to make this alloy,” Lee said. “But as more
and more meteorites piled on, the pressure and temperature would have
increased to the point where this alloy could form.”
The existence of this high-pressure alloy was predicted by Bukowinski in
the mid-1970s. Using quantum mechanical arguments, he suggested that
high pressure would squeeze potassium’s lone outer electron into a lower
shell, making the atom resemble iron and thus more likely to alloy with
More recent quantum mechanical calculations using improved techniques,
conducted with Gerd Steinle-Neumann at the Universität Bayreuth’s
Bayerisches Geoinstitüt, confirmed the new experimental measurements.
“This really replicates and verifies the earlier calculations 26 years
ago and provides a physical explanation for our experimental results,”
Jeanloz said.
The Earth is thought to have formed from the collision of many rocky
asteroids, perhaps hundreds of kilometers in diameter, in the early
solar system. As the proto-Earth gradually bulked up, continuing
asteroid collisions and gravitational collapse kept the planet molten.
Heavier elements – in particular iron - would have sunk to the core in
10 to 100 million years’ time, carrying with it other elements that bind
to iron.
Gradually, however, the Earth would have cooled off and become a dead
rocky globe with a cold iron ball at the core if not for the continued
release of heat by the decay of radioactive elements like potassium-40,
uranium-238 and thorium-232, which have half-lives of 1.25 billion, 4
billion and 14 billion years, respectively. About one in every thousand
potassium atoms is radioactive.
The heat generated in the core turns the iron into a convecting dynamo
that maintains a magnetic field strong enough to shield the planet from
the solar wind. This heat leaks out into the mantle, causing convection
in the rock that moves crustal plates and fuels volcanoes.
Balancing the heat generated in the core with the known concentrations
of radiogenic isotopes has been difficult, however, and the missing
potassium has been a big part of the problem. One researcher proposed
earlier this year that sulfur could help potassium associate with iron
and provide a means by which potassium could reach the core.
The experiment by Lee and Jeanloz shows that sulfur is not necessary.
Lee combined pure iron and pure potassium in a diamond anvil cell and
squeezed the small sample to 26 gigapascals of pressure while heating
the sample with a laser above 2,500 Kelvin (4,000 degrees Fahrenheit),
which is above the melting points of both potassium and iron. She
conducted this experiment six times in the high-intensity X-ray beams of
two different accelerators - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s
Advanced Light Source and the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
- to obtain X-ray diffraction images of the samples’ internal structure.
The images confirmed that potassium and iron had mixed evenly to form an
alloy, much as iron and carbon mix to form steel alloy.
In the theoretical magma ocean of a proto-Earth, the pressure at a depth
of 400-1,000 kilometers (270-670 miles) would be between 15 and 35
gigapascals and the temperature would be 2,200-3,000 Kelvin, Jeanloz said.
“At these temperatures and pressures, the underlying physics changes and
the electron density shifts, making potassium look more like iron,”
Jeanloz said. “At high pressure, the periodic table looks totally
“The work by Lee and Jeanloz provides the first proof that potassium is
indeed miscible in iron at high pressures and, perhaps as significantly,
it further vindicates the computational physics that underlies the
original prediction,” Bukowinski said. “If it can be further
demonstrated that potassium would enter iron in significant amounts in
the presence of silicate minerals, conditions representative of likely
core formation processes, then potassium could provide the extra heat
needed to explain why the Earth’s inner core hasn’t frozen to as large a
size as the thermal history of the core suggests it should.”
Jeanloz is excited by the fact that theoretical calculations are now not
only explaining experimental findings at high pressure, but also
predicting structures.
“We need theorists to identify interesting problems, not only check our
results after the experiment,” he said. “That’s happening now. In the
past half a dozen years, theorists have been making predictions that
experimentalists are willing to spend a few years to demonstrate.”
The work was funded by the National Science Foundation and the
Department of Energy.
Susan L. Gawarecki, Ph.D., Executive Director
Oak Ridge Reservation Local Oversight Committee
102 Robertsville Road, Suite B, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Toll free 888-770-3073 ~ www.local-oversight.org
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