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Dirty Bombs ALA DU (WAS Re: ABC's Depleted Uranium Smuggling Article)
In a message dated 12/29/2003 7:38:45 PM Central Standard Time, Gv1@AOL.COM
SNIP>>>>> I would think a dirty bomb with DU would be just as scary to the
public as any other dirty bomb, because you could detect the beta along with the
even more deadly alpha being emitted. You can see reporters with a frisker
alarming the public at a few hundred counts above background. SNIP>>>>>
Well, I too think your point is well taken but from a VERY differing angle.
First Responders (the ones with the big Red Trucks and funny hats) will use
those fancy monitors that they got for Christmas and they will get "more then"
a background reading. They will respond to that reading and that reading
alone. The real question that has no straight answer is how will the react to that
reading, how will they interpret that reading and how will they put that
reading into proper context both from a radiation physics perspective (which they
have MINIMAL background in as in training and NO experience for the most part)
as well as a tactical operational perspective.
If the scenario is BOOM, then some type of treat like "You will all GLOW now"
and then they see "more then background" on their meter that they have little
real experience with then I can assure you that they will respond to the
incident as a DIRTY BOMB even absent any "real" RAD threat.
The US is working to fix our lack of training and understanding of the RAD
threat but one thing that I think many of us forget is that fire and police and
EMS folks are NOT nor do they want to be RAD folks and very few RAD folks are
operationally competent to deal with the BOOM side of the pictures so in the
words of a famous man from LA a few years back "why can't we all just get
I for one from the First Responder perspective have learned a GREAT deal here
and I've tried to pass that on to my colleagues. I hope it's a 2-way street.
Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET
979-690-3607 (Home Office)
"A Texan with a Jersey Attitude"
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