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RE: Ag-110m and Zn-65 Suppliers

Hi Lorna,

I did respond back to your email letting you know that we are unable to

supply Ag-110m.  

As for the Zn-65, is the a liquid solution that you are looking for?  If so,

a NIST traceable or Nominal source?  How much activity are you interested


Looking forward in working with you.

Thank you,

Karen Lara

Isotope Products Laboratories

-----Original Message-----

From: owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu

[mailto:owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu] On Behalf Of Lorna Hubble

Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 12:44

To: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu

Subject: Ag-110m and Zn-65 Suppliers

Importance: Low

(I sent this last week, but got no responses, so I thought I'd try it 

again.  Lorna)

Hi all,

We have a PI who is planning some experiments with Ag-110m and Zn-65.  He 

found one supplier, but the cost is outrageous.  Anyone know of 

suppliers?  (I'm not sure what the chemical form is needed.)  Please reply 

directly to me.  Thanks!



Lorna Hubble                    Phone:  (607) 255-8816

Radiological Safety Specialist  Fax:  (607) 255-8267

Cornell University                      mailto:ljb1@cornell.edu

Department of Environmental Health and Safety

Laboratory and Radiation Safety Section

125 Humphreys Service Building,  Ithaca, NY  14853




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