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AW: FW: Heavy water face spray
Just a comment on something Franz said:
The biological effects of replacing hydrogen in cells by deuterium have
been discussed a few years ago on RADSAFE extensively. I am sure the
discussion can be retrieved from the archives. I remember that this
replacement influenced the cells very negatively because of the changed
kinetics - not so dramatically like with tritium.
That reminded me that Dow Chemical had done some study of deuterated
anesthetics. The inclusion of deuterium in place of some of the H-1 did
produce some benefits to the patient. I don't know if it ever went
Michael J. McCarty
Physicist, MDEQ Radiological Laboratory
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Waste and Hazardous Materials Division
Hazardous Waste and Radiological Protection Section
Environmental Monitoring Unit
815 Terminal Road
Lansing, MI 48906
phone: 517-335-8196
fax: 517-335-9551
e-mail: mccartmj@michigan.gov
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