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RE: MOX fuel and Lawyers


It seems like this could be taken as an opportunity to have a little fun.

Instead of treating this as a technical/scientific issue, it could be

treated as a chance to create some extreme arguments as to why the die off

couldn't *possibly* be due to radioactive material.  (After all, it's a

debate for the sake of debate, not for the sake of determining truth.) The

anti's rarely let science stand in the way of a good argument, and here's

the HP community's chance to do the same.  (surrogate payback if you will.)

I, for one,  would like to see some numbers that prove beyond a reaonable

doubt that the MOX couldn't have caused the die off, even if the numbers

are shaded a little.

just one opinion, not the company's, not managements, not even my lawyer's.

- - -john rich


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