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Re: Thorium X-Rays from U-238
At 11:08 AM 10/21/2004, Peter.Vernig@MED.VA.GOV wrote:
>I don't see why both K and L shell electrons should not be self ionized by
>alpha particles.
The energy to ionize the L-shell electron comes from the de-excitation of
the thorium nucleus, not from the alpha particle. The thorium de-excitation
energy is 50 keV, which is too small to ionize a K-shell electron.
Why doesn't the alpha particle ionize K-shell electrons? In my
simple-minded model, the alpha particle only interacts with a K-shell
electron when it is between the K and L shells, which is a fuzzy concept
and a very short time; anyway, it has a very low probability. For a more
detailed discussion, see http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PR/v90/i1/p11_1
Mike McNaughton
Los Alamos National Lab.
email: mcnaught@LANL.gov or mcnaughton@LANL.gov
phone: 505-667-6130; page: 505-664-7733
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