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RE: Risks from low-level radiation reassessed
Another example of selected reporting?
Quotes from New Scientists news release:
"The risk of getting cancer from tiny amounts of radioactivity inside the
body could be 10 times higher than previously thought - but not hundreds of
times higher."
"But the uncertainties could cut both ways, either greatly increasing cancer
risks or reducing them to almost zero. In the circumstances, CERRIE urges
the adoption of a precautionary approach to protect public health."
Quotes from CERRIE news release:
"Uncertainties about the risks mean that in some cases we might be exposed
to 10 times the risk previously thought, while in other cases the risk may
be almost zero."
"However the Report finds no clear evidence to date that current radiation
risks are substantially wrong."
Quote from page 115 of the full report:
"The Committee concluded that it was important that doses and risks from
internal emitters should be calculated on the basis of best current
information, using central values, and with no bias towards 'conservatism'
or 'pessimism' (as is sometimes implied). Introduction of such subjective
considerations had no place in an objective assessment. The Committee agreed
that, where appropriate, dose and risk estimates should be combined with an
appreciation and explicit statement of the uncertainties involved. This
approach would help identify those situations in which a precautionary
approach might be appropriate, and was greatly to be preferred over one in
which conservative/pessimistic estimates were arbitrarily introduced at
various stages in the calculation."
Quote from page 117 of the full report:
"The Committee was not agreed on whether the biological evidence discussed
in this chapter had immediate implications for radiological protection
standards. A minority
of the Committee considered that this was so and that Government should give
consideration to the Precautionary Principle. Other members, whilst
generally supportive of a precautionary approach to the interpretation of
the science, did not share this view, principally because of their
perception of a current lack of coherence in the experimental data and
absence of clear links with health effects."
I have not read the entire report but I could not find any indication in the
CERRIE news release or the conclusions of the report where "---CERRIE urges
the adoption of a precautionary approach to protect public health." as
stated in the New Scientist news release.
Here is the link if you want to see the CERRIE report:
A. Joseph Nardi
Westinghouse Electric Company
P.O. Box 355
Pittsburgh, PA 15230
Phone - 412-374-4652
FAX - 412-374-3357
email - nardiaj@westinghouse.com
-----Original Message-----
From: volkswagen181@HOTMAIL.COM [mailto:volkswagen181@HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 10:03 AM
To: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
Subject: Risks from low-level radiation reassessed
Your friend thought you should see this article on New Scientist.com today.
Follow the link below for the full story:
Risks from low-level radiation reassessed
Their message:
What to think about this?
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