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RE: Revision of Atomic Energy Act - NRC to Regulate Accelerator Produced?

It would appear that the Society would generally be in support of such an

action as an aid in reaching that elusive goal of having one agency

responsible for regulating radiation/radioactive materials.  I believe the

Society has a position statement paper on exactly that issue.


Daren Perrero, Health Physicist

The opinions expressed are mine, all mine..... 

I'm with the government I'm here to help you. 

Daren Perrero 


-----Original Message-----

From: A Karam [mailto:paksbi@rit.edu]

Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 11:38 AM

To: BLHamrick@aol-internal.rit.edu; michael.g.stabin@vanderbilt.edu;

jblute@NITON.com; radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu

Subject: RE: Revision of Atomic Energy Act - NRC to Regulate Accelerator


The original Dirty Bomb Prevention Act was draftd by Senator Clinton and it

aimed to help add to the security of radioactive sources.  In the process of

researching the bill, it was noted that only NRC-regulated materials were

covered, leaving NORM and NARM unaddressed.  The most obvious solution to

this was to add NORM and NARM isotopes to those regulated by the NRC.



P. Andrew Karam, Ph.D., CHP

Research Assistant Professor

Rochester Institute of Technology