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RE: Calculating Effective dose from Finger dose readings
On 29 Nov 2004 at 9:54, Stanford Dosimetry wrote:
> Steve,
> The whole body badge is your best estimate of the effective whole body
> dose. Finger dosimeters are measuring extremity dose only, and a
> higher result on the finger dosimeter doesn't necessarily mean the
> effective whole body dose was underreported. It depends on the field.
> If you suspect a significant gradient in your whole body dose (upper
> arm compared to torso for example) then you can check that by using a
> pair of dosimeters: onejust abovethe elbow and one at the normal
> position of the whole body dosimeter. There is an ANSI standard that
> can be employed to help you decide if the results warrant multiple
> whole body dosimeters (HPS N13.41 1997). It also presents a method for
> evaluating the final effective dose equivalent from the multiple
> results.
To follow-up on Neill's excellent commentary, the most predominant
effective dose equivalent calculation performed here in the USA is in
medical applications, generally where a single dosimeter is worn on
the collar, and, there is a protective thyroid shield as well as a
torso lead apron. This is primarily in interventional radiology. One
could also wear 2 dosimeters, one again on the collar with Thyroid
shield and one under the lead apron. The two predominant calculations
are using the Webster as well as the Niklasson methodology.
The NRC is also evaluating use of 2 dosimeters in power reactor
environments, one on the front and one on the back.
There is generally no effective dose equivalent calculated for the
skin of the whole body (just the 1.0 cm depth dose). There is no EDE
for extremities either, and, one never considers them in conjunction
with the whole body dosimeters.
Sandy Perle
Senior Vice President, Technical Operations
Global Dosimetry Solutions, Inc.
2652 McGaw Avenue
Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 296-2306 / (888) 437-1714 Extension 2306
Fax:(949) 296-1902
E-Mail: sperle@dosimetry.com
E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
Global Dosimetry Website: http://www.dosimetry.com/
Personal Website: http://sandy-travels.com/
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