[ RadSafe ] Nuclear Missiles?
howard long
hflong at pacbell.net
Fri Apr 29 21:26:27 CEST 2005
Agreed, except for irrational N Korea and perhaps suiciders wanting to destroy both Russia and the USA. Small probability, but extreme outcome. Reminds me of a patient call this week. I sent him to the ER although I thought just 1 chance in 100 that his symptoms were from a heart attack. Was I wrong? Is Bush with SDI? Let us pray that the money was wasted - but I'm glad he spent it.
Howard Long
James Salsman <james at bovik.org> wrote:
I am astonished that anyone would seriously think that an
intercontinental ballistic missile attack on the U.S. is likely.
Ballistic missiles have a clear return address, which is easily
computed from two or three radar observations. The equipment in
place to make such necessary observations combined with the
retaliatory power of the U.S. would be overwhelming to any kind
of ballistic missile opponent.
On the other hand, there are no means in place to detect or defend
against a warhead launched from a boat. Any small group of people
armed with a nuclear bomb could maneuver an ordinary pleasurecraft
a few miles off the shore of any coastal city, including Washington
D.C., and launch a rocket diagonally to easily effect a devastating
aerial blast. No antimissile or other defense systems are
configured to defend against such an attack, as far as I know, and
doing so is beyond capabilities of any antimissile system that I
have ever seen described in public literature. The amount of
warning would be less than 30 seconds. Even the PATRIOT system
wouldn't be able to reach a still-accelerating apex or pre-apex
blast with such a short lead time with any accuracy at all. There
is no way to detect such a concealed rocket and warhead at a
significant distance, given the shielding opportunities afforded
by any small pleasurecraft. Radar decoy methods could easily foil
an advanced version of the PATRIOT system.
Anyone who thinks that any U.S. opponent would seriously consider
ICBMs as an offensive measure should clearly stop smoking so many
"doobies." What a waste of money is missile defense.
James Salsman
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