[ RadSafe ] Re: Doctors warn of increasing newborn deformities in Iraq

James Salsman james at bovik.org
Sat Apr 30 08:28:33 CEST 2005

Howard Long wrote:

> "radiation doses that averaged 0.4 Sv - 1.5/1,000 heart malformations - 
> vs-23/1,000 expected" ( only 15% of expected when 4rad/year for 10 years 
> av) in Taiwan apts.

Depleted uranium poisoning's heavy metal toxicity is about a
million times worse than the hazards from its radioactivity.

> I delivered about 2,000 babies.

Were you reading RADSAFE a couple weeks ago when people were
asking me about the Schott et al. paper, and I only had the
slides?  Please have a look at this:

I really need to do a citation search on that one.  I keep
forgetting; don't have SCISEARCH from home.

> I think Iraq congenital defect problems 
> are from Saddam murdering 100 Iraqi/day average for 20 years

700,000 murders?  Is that statistic adjusted for the 98% inaccuracy
rate admitted for the claim of 400,000 murders by those who made it?

 > giving chronic stress, adrenalin, cortisone, poor eating and
 > digestion, etc.

A 1995 U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization report said that
567,000 or about 4% of Iraqi children under the age of five had
died as a result of economic sanctions.  However, the birth
defect rate in Basrah wasn't more than a standard deviation
above average until 1998.  U.S. and U.K. troops' kids' birth
defect rates started spiking a few years before that, but they
were already about twice as high to begin with.

James Salsman

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