[ RadSafe ] Sickening Solar Flare

jjcohen jjcohen at prodigy.net
Thu Feb 10 19:46:14 CET 2005

I doubt that the LD-50 for human radiation exposure has ever been determined
with scientific accuracy. It has been inferred from atom bomb casualty data
and similar imprecise sources. So----, from a practical basis, LD-50
estimates of 300, 450,& 500 rem are essentially the same number. Take your
pick. In all likelihood, the actual value (known only to God) is somewhere
between 100 & 1000 rem.
Interesting to compare this range to what some of us hormesis fans believe 
to be the "optimal" dose range for human exposure  of somewhere between 
1.0 and 10.0 rem/a.

----- Original Message -----
From: Bernard Cohen <blc+ at pitt.edu>
To: Maury Siskel <maurysis at ev1.net>
Cc: RadiatSafety <
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Sickening Solar Flare

> Is this piece correct in saying that LD-50 is 300 rem? It used to be 450
> rem.

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