[ RadSafe ] identification of posters

Franz Schönhofer franz.schoenhofer at chello.at
Mon Feb 14 23:15:18 CET 2005


It has been discussed some time ago, that persons participating at
RADSAFE should identify themselves. Originally I have put forward this
proposal. This rule was actually approved, but it seems that it has been
forgotten. I am aware, that some of the ones, flaming without ever
having contributed anything to RADSAFE and not identifying themselves,
probably anti-nuclear groups who disturbed RADSAFE already might be
heavily opposed to this proposal, but I would regard this as a normal
conduct. If someone does not reveil his or her identity and not stand
for his or her opinion he or she should refrain from participating and
posting. Whether this rule would be compulsory is only up to the list
owner. Maybe that would help to improve the conduct of this list.  

Franz Schoenhofer
PhD, MR iR
Habicherg. 31/7
A-1160 Vienna
phone -43-0699-1168-1319

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