[ RadSafe ] NJ hosts hearing on study of radiation in baby teeth

dckosloff at firstenergycorp.com dckosloff at firstenergycorp.com
Thu Feb 17 17:49:31 CET 2005

Mr. Nicholls,

Thank you for your recent post that provided valuable and interesting
additional information about the debunked rumors that Mangano and his
victims presented to the NJ Commission on Radiation Protection.

To conserve space, I cut out all of your post below except those parts on
which I am going to comment.

1.  According to a news report that I read at app.com (operatedbby a
self-proclaimed anti-nuclear NJ newspaper) the young man (Cory Furst) was
initially diagnosed with lung and liver cancer.  Has anyone ever uncovered
any indications that low body burdens of Sr-90 has ever been observed to
have any relationship to incidence of lung or liver cancer?  If so, what
evidence is there that Sr-90 could overwhelm the many other common
carcinogens that can contribute to lung or liver cancer?

2.  Also according to app.com, Mr. Furst made the following statement:  "If
there is a relationship between strontium-90 and cancer, then we must shut
down the nuclear power plants producing it."
 Did anyone on the Commission ask what other human activities, if any,
should be required to conform to the same standard?  For example, should
all activities that involve the release of benzene (eg, the use of
fingernail polish or gasoline) or carcinogenic chlorine reaction byproducts
(eg, showering or bathing)  be forbidden?

3.  Did the commission point out that Mangano should also show the
relationship between the potassium-40 body burden and the Sr-90 body

Thank you,
Don Kosloff
Willoughby, Ohio

                      "Gerald Nicholls"                                                                                                     
                      <Gerald.Nicholls at dep.s        To:       <sandyfl at earthlink.net>, <radsafe at radlab.nl>                                  
                      tate.nj.us>                   cc:                                                                                     
                      Sent by:                      Subject:  Re: [ RadSafe ] NJ hosts hearing on study of radiation in baby teeth          
                      radsafe-bounces at radlab                                                                                                
                      02/17/2005 09:48 AM                                                                                                   

Following that, he yielded the floor to a young man, about 14 years old,
who stated that he was
diagnosed with cancer at the age of 19 months.  The young man who has a
severe hearing deficit due to chemotherapy, asked that Mr. Mangano's
research be supported.

Following the presentations there was discussion between the presenters and
Commission members.  Advice given to Mr. Mangano on his research included
the need for suitable controls, to have the laboratory that performs the
Sr-90 analyses on the baby teeth participate in an accredited certification
program that includes appropriate cross checks, to evaluate the presence of
other fission products in the environment(particularly Cs-137), formatting
of graphs so as to avoid the appearance of bias, and to attempt to
corroborate the levels of Sr-90 they believe they are seeing by considering
possible source terms.

Gerald P. Nicholls
NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection
gerald.nicholl at dep.state.nj.us

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