[ RadSafe ] Re: Understanding negligible dose
Conklin, Al
Al.Conklin at DOH.WA.GOV
Thu Feb 24 16:40:11 CET 2005
I don't think it's a lack of understanding. It's a lack of will to fight the
politics of the noisy anti-nuke.
-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl [mailto:radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl] On Behalf
Of jjcohen
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:27 AM
To: Brodsky, Allen; sandyfl at earthlink.net
Cc: allen.brodsky at saic.com; Albrodsky at aol.com; radsafe at radlab.nl;
vargo at physicist.net
Subject: [ RadSafe ] Re: Understanding negligible dose
Allen et al,
Perhaps you may recall the BRC (below regulatory concern) deliberations
in the 1990,s.
My question is this: If we can't get the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and
the U.S. Congress to understand negligible radiation exposures, how can we
give such understanding to
the general public ???? Jerry
----- Original Message -----
From: Brodsky, Allen <ALLEN.BRODSKY at saic.com>
To: <sandyfl at earthlink.net>
Cc: allen.brodsky at saic.com <ALLEN.BRODSKY at saic.com>; <radsafe at radlab.nl>;
<vargo at physicist.net>; <Albrodsky at aol.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3:36 PM
Subject: [ RadSafe ] RE: YES. we remain our own worse enemy
> Sandy, Let me know how I can get an audience with the President or
> of Homeland Security. I seems our only hope is to get some common
> sense into the top levels. The underlings do not want to rock the
> boat, and the vast majority of our professional society members do not
> seem to want to meet the public. By the way, I am pushing 2 dollar
> dosimeters to be worn
> members of the public, dosimeters that show the entire range from
> of an R to 600 R or more. Do you have anything available? I never
> seem to have time at the meetings to adequately visit the exhibits. I
> have used Tech Ops instruments in the past. Perhaps your company can
> properly
> the public to understand the negligible doses that most will receive,
> even from A-bombs (but not H-bombs). Be well, Allen
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