[ RadSafe ] NAS "impartiality"
Jim Hardeman
Jim_Hardeman at dnr.state.ga.us
Fri Jul 1 22:49:59 CEST 2005
Jim et al. *
A friend of mine pointed out that the French Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine recently (as in March 2005) UNANIMOUSLY adopted a report that has findings diametrically opposed to the BEIR committee. Appears to me that they may have actually addressed some of the research that the BEIR committee appears to have dismissed out of hand.
My $0.02 worth ...
Jim Hardeman
Jim_Hardeman at dnr.state.ga.us
>>> "Muckerheide, James" <jimm at wpi.edu> 6/30/2005 14:30:41 >>>
BEIR Committees are select4ed by the permanent Board on Radiation Effects
Research. A few years ago this Board was directed in what it should do by
Warren Sinclair. It is part of the permanent self-selected cabal that runs
rad protection in the US and internationally. (Note the extensive int'l
Regards, Jim Muckerheide
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl on behalf of jjcohen at prodigy.net
Sent: Thu 6/30/2005 12:54 PM
To: radsafe
Subject: [ RadSafe ] NAS "impartiality"
Is anyone familiar with how the National Academy of Science (NAS) selects
members for its study panels? It seems to me that by judicious selection of
members, almost any predetermined conclusion can be attained. The expert
committees can reference or ignore any material they choose. They typically
compile a massive volume summarizing what they have chosen to review and
formulate conclusions supposedly based upon their review. Maybe I just don't
get it, but from the few NAS studies I have attempted to understand, it was
almost impossible to track how the conclusions were reached from the material
reviewed. I suspect the whole process is largely arbitrary, but perhaps
someone can straighten me out.
Jerry Cohen
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