[ RadSafe ] Tungsten Alloy Munitions Pose Unforeseen Threat -NIH research

dckosloff at firstenergycorp.com dckosloff at firstenergycorp.com
Thu Jun 2 15:46:12 CEST 2005

If I had a tank and I was going to use it, I would assume that I was going
to be attacked by whoever I was using it against.  Thus I would want
uranium armor, even if I had to pour uranium ore gravel between the steel.
Uranium armor would be effective against whatever munitions the bad people
might be using.  But it might be too heavy and probably less effective than
reactive armor.

The good guys use DU because it is safe, they already have it and it is
easier to use and more effective than uranium rocks or gravel.  It is also
less radioactive than an equivalent mass of natural (thus good) uranium.

Don Kosloff
Perry OH and Shippingport PA

                      farbersa at optonlin                                                                                                
                      e.net                    To:       James Salsman <james at bovik.org>                                               
                      Sent by:                 cc:       radsafe at radlab.nl                                                             
                      radsafe-bounces at r        Subject:  Re: [ RadSafe ] Tungsten Alloy Munitions Pose Unforeseen Threat -NIH          
                      adlab.nl                  research                                                                               
                      06/01/2005 09:42                                                                                                 

 I assume tanks being attacked by US forces have similar depleted uranium
armor. Anyone know if this is so??

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