[ RadSafe ] HEPA filters for radioisotope fume hoods

Robert Atkinson robert.atkinson at genetix.com
Thu Jun 30 14:00:40 CEST 2005

Hi Peter,
Your question is a little too general to give a definitive answer. The
first question is why is the fume hood being used? Is it to protect
against the spread of radioactive contamination or to protect against
toxic contamination, or both? A HEPA filter will also trap many
aerosolised contaminants. If a hood is designed for a specific purpose
then the choice can be made whether a HEPA filter is appropriate or not.
A general purpose fume hood may have one fitted to cope with a range of
operations that may be carried out in the hood.
Another possibility is that the equipment is designed primarily (or as a
secondary function) not as protection from the material being handled,
but to protect it from contamination. This is very common were
radio-isotopes (e.g. P32) are being used as biological markers. The
"fume hood" is actually a containment to prevent contamination of the
target organism by bacteria etc. as well as protecting the user from the
It is impossible to make an accurate and safe assessment of any safety
system without full and complete knowledge of its intended use(s) and
design principles. A feature that seems totally un-necessary may be
there to cater for a particular application or be a fail-safe back-up. 

Robert Atkinson.

-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl [mailto:radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl] On
Behalf Of Peter.Vernig at med.va.gov
Sent: 29 June 2005 21:17
To: radsafe at radlab.nl
Subject: [ RadSafe ] HEPA filters for radioisotope fume hoods

Somebody not too long ago, say 1 to 3 years informed me why so many
have HEPA filtration of fume hoods where radioisotopes are used.  In
virtually all research situations dispersible powered radioactive
is not used so HEPAs make no sense.  I have seen them at NASA's Ames
Research Center and UC Berkeley both institutions should know better.

My recollection is that it was a building code or "best practice" that
ill advised agency put into place.  If the person that sent me the
information or anybody else knows about it I would greatly appreciate
getting it retransmitted to me.  I have just discovered such an
and in order to kill it, it would be very helpful to know the source of

Any opinions in this e-mail are solely those of the author, and are not
represented as those of the VA Eastern Colorado HCS, the Dept. of
Affairs, or the US Government.

Peter G. Vernig, Radiation Safety Officer, MS-115, VA Eastern Colorado
Health Care System, 1055 Clermont St. Denver, CO 80220,
peter.vernig at med.va.gov, Phone= 303.399.8020 x2447; Fax = 303.393.5026,
alternate fax, 303.393.5248

"...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is lovely, whatever is
admirable, if anything is found to be excellent or praiseworthy, let
mind dwell on these things."

Paul of Tarsus
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