[ RadSafe ] Radioactive gauge stolen in Bend

Gerry Blackwood gpblackwood at sbcglobal.net
Mon Mar 7 17:37:29 CET 2005

Radioactive gauge stolen in BendBright yellow plastic housing easily identifiable 
Bright yellow heavy plastic box marked with radiation labels should be easy to spot.

Bend.com news sources
Posted: Friday, March 4, 2005 4:29 PM
On Friday morning at approximately 7:00 a.m. the Bend Police Department received a report of a theft from a motor vehicle of a moisture density gauge which contains radiation. The radiation-containing gauge was stolen overnight from a brown Chevy pickup parked at the Holiday Inn Express. 
Terry Lindsey, manager of Radiation Protection Services, Department of Human Services, said the missing equipment is a bright yellow Troxler Model 3440 nuclear gauge (serial number 35472) that has two radiation sources, both contained in a lead shield. “The gauge is carried in a bright yellow heavy plastic box marked with radiation labels”, he said. The gauge is approximately 3’ x 1 ½’ x 1 ½’ and is very heavy.

The gauge, used in road construction testing, was chained and locked in the cab of a pickup overnight. It is the same model as one that was lost and recovered two years ago in the Portland metropolitan area and the same model as a gauge stolen this fall in Simi Valley, California.

When a crime of this nature occurs it is reported to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). http://www.nrc.gov/

The radiation contained in the gauge is shielded. However, if the equipment We are concerned that the gauge could be discarded anywhere by the persons who stole the gauge.Terry LindseyRadiation Protection Services, Department of Human Serviceswere used improperly or tampered with, the individual could receive burned hands or serious radiation exposure. “We are concerned that the gauge could be discarded anywhere by the persons who stole the gauge”, said Lindsey. “Anyone who may find this device should not try to open its locking mechanisms. Improper use of the device can result in exposure to dangerous levels of radiation,” he said. 

If this gauge is located, please contact law enforcement, who will, in turn, contact the Hazardous Materials Team to respond to pick it up. Anyone with any information regarding this theft or the location of the gauge is asked to contact the Bend Police Department. Anyone having questions about the device may contact radiation protection staff at DHS at (503) 731-4014. Photos and information on the gauge and transport container are on the Web at http://troxlerlabs.com/PRODUCTS/3440.shtml .

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