[ RadSafe ] LSC 2005 Conference
Marcel Schouwenburg
m.schouwenburg at iri.tudelft.nl
Fri Mar 25 17:43:26 CET 2005
Dear ALL
PLease find attached below the file with a kind of appendix to second
circular of
LSC 2005.
Bogus³aw Michalik
b.michalik op gig.katowice.pl
+48 32 259 23 80
A reminder
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to point out several
important issues, concerning LSC 2005.
The permanent e-mail account open for abstract submission is following -
lsc op gig.katowice.pl. Other possible e-mails are s.chalupnik op gig.katowice.pl
or m.wysocka op gig.katowice.pl.
Tentative Conference Timeline:
15th of April 2005 - deadline for abstract submission (this is the proper
15th of June 2005 - preliminary programme, 3rd circular
15th of September 2005 - submission of full texts for CD proceedings, final
programme, final circular
17th - 21st of October 2005 - the conference, Katowice, Poland
Call for papers
You are welcome to submit papers, related to mentioned above tentative
topics. If you are interested in presenting such contribution, please,
prepare an abstract and send it to the Secretary of the Conference before
15th of April 2005.
Abstract must be written in English, not more than 400 words. The preferred
letter font is "Times New Roman" and the recommended font size is 12-point.
The title should be in 14-point and in bold, capital letters. Within
paragraph the text must be 1.5 lines spaced. Please leave two blank lines
between the title and the names(s) of the author(s) and one blank line
between the author(s) name(s) and address(s) (all in normal letters). Leave
two blank lines before starting the text. Give the name(s), affiliation(s),
and full address(es) of author(s) including e-mail address of the main
author. Underline the name of the author presenting the paper.
All abstracts will be revised. If major revision is requested by reviewers,
the contribution will be returned for improvement prior to acceptance.
Therefore you are encouraged to mail your contribution before the deadline.
Contributions with unrestricted length will appear in electronic
proceedings. The deadline for these papers is 15th of September 2005. Papers
will be revised, too. We will need two files with your contribution - one
Word file to use it for proceedings and pdf (Adobe Acrobat) file to be sent
for the review.
Technical issues
Programme of the Conference:
We intend to organise oral sessions and poster presentations.
Contribution's authors are requested to express their interest. The division
into panels will be done after submission and acceptance of abstracts. The
programme will be presented in the 3rd Circular.
We plan to print only abstracts with length up to 400 words before the
Conference. All papers, also with unrestricted length will be included in
electronic proceedings. The distribution of CD with these papers will be
done during conference. We plan to publish proceedings of LSC 2005 as a
special edition of Radiocarbon. The agreement with Radiocarbon has been
already signed, requirements concerning full text submission for publishing
will be included into third circular.
A preliminary circular, already mailed to many colleagues, is presented at
the previous page. You can make the registration through e-mail
(lsc op gig.katowice.pl) as well as by ordinary mail. Online registration is
available at our web site http://www.gig.katowice.pl (click the banner
described as LSC 2005, please). We got some messages, that automatic
registration is difficult or impossible. We try to fix it, so in case of any
further problems, just mail your registration to us.
Please, send us abstracts as soon as possible - thanks in advance.
Conference Venue
LSC 2005 Conference will be held in Qubus Hotel, in the downtown of
Katowice. Katowice is the capital city of Silesia (l¹sk, southern Poland),
with a relatively good communication possibilities by planes, cars and
The "Qubus" Hotel is located at Uniwersytecka Street, 13 - of about 5
minutes walk from city centre and slightly further from the main railway
station. Price of the single room is of about 80 euro per day - this is a
special offer for attendees of the meeting. It will be a possibility of
lunch booking in the hotel for the participants of LSC 2005 Conference. The
price would be approximately 15 euro per day.
More information concerning the "Qubus" Hotel can be found at web site
Several hotels are located in the vicinity of Qubus Hotel with a possibility
to choose a proper one (prices are roughly estimated at a current exchange
Novotel Rondo Hotel, Rozdzienskiego 16 street, 40-202 Katowice
Phone +48-32 200 44 44, reservation rez.nov.rondo op orbis.pl
Price of a single room - 110 euro per day.
Diament Hotel, Dworcowa 9 street, 40-012 Katowice
Phone +48-32 253 90 41, reservation katowice op hoteldiament.pl
Price of a single room - 60 euro per day.
Monopol Hotel, Dworcowa 5 street, 40-012 Katowice
Phone +48-32 782 82 82, reservation monopol op hotel.com.pl
Price of a single room - 120 euro per day.
Katowice Hotel, Korfantego 9 street, 40-005 Katowice
Phone +48-32 258 82 81, reservation hotel op hotel-katowice.com.pl
Price of a single room - 45 euro per day.
Conference fees
Early registration (before 15th of April 2005) 500 Euro
After 15th of April 2005 550 Euro
During conference 600 Euro
Students (early/normal) 150/200 Euro
Accompanying person (early/normal) 350/400 Euro
Bank account:
ING Bank l¹ski S.A., Oddzia³ Katowice
Ul. Mickiewicza 3, 40-092 Katowice
Account number: 69 1050 1214 1000 0022 7972 4682
IBAN: PL69105012141000002279724682
For Polish participants:
BPHPBK S.A. O/Katowice nr 23 1060 0076 0000 3200 0027 5674
LSC 2005 63100023-173
We would like to apologize, but we are going to accept only cash payments
during conference. Therefore our humble request is following - please, make
fee transfer through bank account before the meeting to avoid inconvenient
situation for us during LSC 2005.
In case of any doubts, problems etc., please do not hesitate and contact us.
We will be glad having a possibility to help you ?.
Secretary of the Conference:
Malgorzata Wysocka
(+48-32) 2592382, fax (+48-32) 2585979
lsc op gig.katowice.pl (preferably), m.wysocka op gig.katowice.pl,
Chair of the Scientific Committee
Stanislaw Chalupnik s.chalupnik op gig.katowice.pl
(+48-32) 2592815, fax (+48-32) 2585979
Postal address
LSC2005 Laboratory of Radiometry
Central Mining Institute
40-166 Katowice
Pl. Gwarkow 1, POLAND
See You There!
Katowice, Poland - October 17th-21st, 2005
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Stanislaw Chalupnik
Marcel Schouwenburg
RadSafe Moderator & List owner
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