[ RadSafe ] STAR Workshop - Targets / Ion Sources for Radioactive Ion Beams

Marcel Schouwenburg M.Schouwenburg at TNW.TUDelft.NL
Mon May 9 10:04:35 CEST 2005

STAR Workshop - Targets / Ion Sources for Radioactive Ion Beams
May 26, 27,  2005
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Dear Colleagues,

Research with Radioactive Beams continues to provide new and exciting 
results on the properties of the nucleus along with many applications. 
Continued developments are only limited by the capability of providing 
of sufficient intensities as we approach the limits of nuclear 
stability. A key component to higher intensities is improvement in the 
technology of targets and ion sources used to produce such beams using 
the ISOL approach. New generations of Radioactive Beam facilities 
capable of producing higher intensities such as RIA or EURISOL require 
new approaches to the ISOL front end.
A special workshop is planned for May 26,27, 2005 in Oak Ridge, 
Tennessee to allow key experts to discuss topics arranged in the 
following sessions:
- proposals for developing beams with ISOL now considered very difficult,
- status of very high power ISOL type targets,
- status of Actinide targets,
- Ion sources for next generation facilities,
- advanced ion beam manipulations, and
- what can we learn from neighboring disciplines.
A series of mini presentations interspaced with focused discussions are 
planned with the goal to increase our understanding of producing more 
and higher intensity radioactive beams. Specialists from around the 
world are attending this unique workshop to share their experiences 
which will lead to achieving these goals.
All are invited to attend. An overview of the schedule (with a list of 
presentations) for the STAR Workshop can be found at   
 along with relevant information on registration fees and method of 
John D'Auria
Chair, STAR Workshop
Marcel Schouwenburg - RadSafe moderator & List owner
Head Training Center Delft
National Center for Radiation Protection (Dutch abbr. NCSV)

Faculty of Applied Sciences / Reactor Institute Delft
Delft University of Technology
Mekelweg 15
NL - 2629 JB  DELFT
The Netherlands
Phone +31 (0)15 27 86575
Fax     +31 (0)15 27 81717
email   m.schouwenburg at tnw.tudelft.nl

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