[ RadSafe ] Re: Drilling Near Nuclear Blast Cavity Called Risky Business

TConley at kdhe.state.ks.us TConley at kdhe.state.ks.us
Wed May 11 15:37:15 CEST 2005

I found this article particularly interesting since after my father passed
away last year I found a certificate indicating he had participated in the
Rulison project.  Its now framed in my office.  I remember as a child
watching films of the test with the admonishment that we not talk about
them.  I believe he was the Manager of Production Research for Conoco at
the time.

Thomas A. Conley, RRPT, CHP
Section Chief, Radiation and Asbestos Control
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Phone: (785) 296-1565
email: tconley at kdhe.state.ks.us

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