[ RadSafe ] Fwd: [DailyBrief] Radiation rockets on sale toter
Gerry Blackwood
gpblackwood at yahoo.com
Wed May 11 16:14:54 CEST 2005
Yeah that was the DHL Incident...and that reporter should have been hung, shot, quartered, set on fire, ran over, ran back over again, and then buried in different parts of Iraq........
"Franta, Jaroslav" <frantaj at aecl.ca> wrote:Actually John, there was a "real live" story very similar to this just last
A journalist in Iraq was invited to film the shooting-down of a US cargo
airliner near Baghdad airport, by insurgents.
They succeeded in hitting the plane's wing, causing serious damage, but the
pilots were skillfull enough to land the plane safely.
Pictures from the film, and post-landing shots of the wrecked wing, were
published in various media, including Aviation Week, crediting the reporter.
Of course there were also letters in AW criticising the reporter, along the
lines of Glenn's comment.
As for college professors not being influential, I can recall a few
characters who began their notorious careers by being "educated" in classes
like those mentioned by Glenn, notably Pol Pot (in Paris)
-----Original Message-----
From: John Jacobus [mailto:crispy_bird at yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday May 11, 2005 8:45 AM
To: Glenn R. Marshall; Gerry Blackwood; Daily Brief; Rad Safe; PMCS;
Subject: RE: [ RadSafe ] Fwd: [DailyBrief] Radiation rockets on sale
That certainly sounds like a simplist answer. How did
the class debate the issues? Sorry you had to waste
your time going to college, but obviously the
discourse did not affect your ability to make your own
decisions. Maybe college professors are not as
influencial as we give them credit for. Nevertheless,
this story makes for good newsreporter bashing.
--- "Glenn R. Marshall"
> Considering the source, this is not at all
> surprising. I remember watching an old PBS show as
> part of an Ethics class (if you ever want to see why
> the world is so screwed up, take and ethics class
> and look at the drivel our professors are shoveling
> down the throat of your college student - at your
> expense). Anyway, one our beloved TV news magazine
> reporters (I know who it was but I suppose it
> doesn't matter right now) was asked by the moderator
> what he would do if, as a battlefield reporter, he
> obtained reliable information that the Army division
> he was covering was walking into an ambush where
> they would all be slaughtered. His answer? He said
> he is a journalist first, then an American.
> Therefore it was his duty to keep his mouth shut,
> move to a safe location, and report news of the
> slaughter. All the while feigning shock and horror,
> I imagine. Guess it sells more advertising
> space....
> Glenn Marshall
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gerry Blackwood [mailto:gpblackwood at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 5:28 PM
> To: Daily Brief; Rad Safe; PMCS; Johnmacsgroup
> Subject: [ RadSafe ] Fwd: [DailyBrief] Radiation
> rockets on sale toterrorists
> The title of this news report should have been,
> "When Reporters Cross the Line"
> . . .
"Embarrassed, obscure and feeble sentences are generally, if not always, the
result of embarrassed, obscure and feeble thought."
Hugh Blair, 1783
-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail: crispy_bird at yahoo.com
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