[ RadSafe ] Overcoming America's nuclear power phobia

John Jacobus crispy_bird at yahoo.com
Thu May 12 15:02:04 CEST 2005

If you are really interested in promoting nuclear
power and uses of ionizing radiaton, maybe you should
be focusing on the fact that no demonstrated harm has
been shown.  This is the stand that has been taken by
many professional societies and organizations.  


There is certainly less controversy and a ready
audience in the these societies.  It sounds like an
easier battle to win.

--- yuan-chi luan <nbcsoc at hotmail.com> wrote:


If the international radiation scientists and
communiies would like to  prove the chronic radaition
experienced in Taiwan (with dose-rate <1 mSv/hr) and
tell the world that the chronic radaition received by
people  is always beneficial to them, there will be no
nuclear power phobia to nuclear workers and pulbic. If
they know that health effcts of chronic radiation
could reduce their cancer mortality as I described in
the 1999 ANS annual meeting in Boston, they  would
eagerly to recieve  more chronic radaition from the
nuclear power plants and associated  radioactive
wastes. But I am terrible sorry that many policician
for the some kind election are just in sitting on
ground in front of the Legislative yuan(similar to US
senate ) for demonstration and creating the phobia of
nuclear power plants to the population in Taiwan. and
this is why  I am so old but still want to go to the
international conferences in USA and Canada, for 
presentation of what I kown about the beneficial
effects of chronic radation. Once when the experience
of radiation in Taiwan could be internationally
accipted. The nuclear power phobia produed by the
politicioan in Taiwan might be forgetten, and Taiwan
might give up its  non-nuclear land policy and turn to
be like a country of Japan to develope its own energy
sources .

Y.C.  Luan      

. . .

"Embarrassed, obscure and feeble sentences are generally, if not always, the result of embarrassed, obscure and feeble thought."
Hugh Blair, 1783

-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail:  crispy_bird at yahoo.com

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