[ RadSafe ] Indoor Radon and other chemicals
howard long
hflong at pacbell.net
Fri May 20 19:08:50 CEST 2005
Acetone in fingernail polish necessitated my sleeping in the guest room recently because of unusual liver sensitivity (giddiness with even 1 oz wine).
Pine Sol floor cleaner and fragrant, outdoor, clean and healthy smelling pine tree resin
(found by Bruce Ames to be the greatest atmospheric cancer risk, not industrial chemicals) should also be avoided.
Radon seems to be like sunshine also, in that benefit-harm are dose related and have variable effects on individuals..
Howard Long
Susan Gawarecki <loc at icx.net> wrote:
Fingernail polish doesn't contain benzene. I believe it uses acetone, which is fairly benign.
Susan Gawarecki
Don Kosloff wrote:
<chlorine byproducts and arsenic aerosol from showering. I know they have
warning labels on gas pumps in California, do they have warnings on bottles
of fingernail polish and at showers in public schools?>>
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