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Re: NRC Licensing Fees (fwd)
Forwarded message:
* Original: FROM.... Ed Wilds (EHSADM3@UCONNVM.BITNET)
* Original: TO...... Safety
* Forwarded by...... Hector Mandel
>From romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu!UVMVM.UVM.EDU!owner-safety
From: romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu!UCONNVM.BITNET!EHSADM3 (Ed Wilds)
To: Multiple recipients of list SAFETY <UVMVM.BITNET!SAFETY>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1993 13:13:32 EST
On Thu, 29 Jul 1993 16:06:12 -0400 <Anne.R.Skinner@WILLIAMS.EDU> said:
>Williams College sent (from the President) a letter to the NRC specifically
>noting the "social compact" that traditionally has excused educational
>institutions from a wide variety of governmental fees and taxes. I could
>send you a copy of that if you like. I had not heard that the decision had
>been taken to revoke the exemption; considering that the comment period is
>still in force I think this is a very premature action. We estimated that
>we'd be billed $14k/yr for our broad-scope type C license, and I cannot see
>any justification for that.
>Any help you can give on this would definitely be appreciated.
I received a NRC Important Notice dated July 14, 1993 today stating that the
revisions to 10 CFR Parts 170 and 171 were final. I have not read the 180
page document in detail yet, but a review of the cover page indicates that
this new rule implements the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit decision dated March 16, 1993. It looks like for at least
FY 1993 (the present fiscal year) academic institutions will get a hefty
The Important Notice also states that in the near future the fees for FY 1992
and FY 1992 will be revised. One reason stated for the revision is because
of the elimination of the nonprofit educational institution exemption. It
appears that we may owe some back fees. Boy is my boss going to love me
If someone has already read this notice please post more specific details.
Thanks in advance.
Ed Wilds
Radiation Safety Manager
The University of Connecticut