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Re: Metal oxide impregnated plastic sheets

> Do any of you know the address and phone # for Cryo Plastics or any other 
> plastic sheet manufacturers who specialize in metal oxide (SnO, WO2, BaO, 
> PbO etc.) impregnated acrylic, vinyl, polycarbonate and other plastics?  
> If so, please reply via radsafe.  Thanks.
> Paul Shafer

Reactor Experiments, Inc.
1275 Hammerwood Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA  94089-2231
(408) 745-6770
FAX: (408) 745-7013

They make a variety of plastic materials impregnated with various 
compounds for radiation shielding.  Some of their more popular items 
are lead impregnated polyethylene and boron impregnated polyethylene. 
But they have other plastics and impregnated materials.

Tracy N. Tipping                                Work: (913) 532-6782
Laboratory Safety Officer                       FAX:  (913) 532-6806
James R. Macdonald Laboratory                   Home: (913) 539-1378
Cardwell Hall                                   Amateur Radio: N0OEY
Kansas State University                         tipping@phys.ksu.edu
Manhattan, KS 66506-2604                        tipping@ksuvm.bitnet