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leaded "plastic"

We typically do not use Pb-acrylic nor Pb-plexiglas for XRD or TEM shielding  
material.  We use SnO impregnanted vinyl plastic which is available through
Blake Industries.  We are working on some other Sn, In, W plastics with Cyro Inc.
for this application.

Paul W. Shafer
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
From: "PAUL SKIERKOWSKI, UNIV. OF OKLAHOMA" <RADSAFE@aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu>
To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
Subject: leaded "plastic"
X-Listserver-Version: 6.0 -- UNIX ListServer by Anastasios Kotsikonas
X-Comment:  Radiation Safety Distribution List 

i have a researcher who wants to use leaded plexiglass for an
x-ray shield in a device he's building.  i can find leaded
glass,  but am having difficulty finding leaded   PLEXIGLASS.

can someone provide me with a potential source?


paul skierkowski, rso,  univ. of oklahoma
|	Paul Skierkowski			 OOOOO
|	Environmental Safety Services		O     O
|	University of Oklahoma			O  U  O  U
|	905 Asp Ave., Room 112			O  U  O  U
|	Norman, OK  73019-0420			O  U  O  U
|	405-325-1015   FAX - 7909		O  U  O  U
|						 OOUOO   U

|						    UUUUU

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 27 Apr 94 10:33:13 -0500
Errors-To: mandel@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Reply-To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Originator: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Sender: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Precedence: bulk
From: "PAUL SKIERKOWSKI, UNIV. OF OKLAHOMA" <RADSAFE@aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu>
To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
Subject: leaded "plastic"
X-Listserver-Version: 6.0 -- UNIX ListServer by Anastasios Kotsikonas
X-Comment:  Radiation Safety Distribution List 

i have a researcher who wants to use leaded plexiglass for an
x-ray shield in a device he's building.  i can find leaded
glass,  but am having difficulty finding leaded   PLEXIGLASS.

can someone provide me with a potential source?


paul skierkowski, rso,  univ. of oklahoma
|	Paul Skierkowski			 OOOOO
|	Environmental Safety Services		O     O
|	University of Oklahoma			O  U  O  U
|	905 Asp Ave., Room 112			O  U  O  U
|	Norman, OK  73019-0420			O  U  O  U
|	405-325-1015   FAX - 7909		O  U  O  U
|						 OOUOO   U

|						    UUUUU