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Plutonium toxicity

Howdy RADSAFErs:

Let's try this again.  The first try didn't get the table included.

I've got this nifty little file that I whip out whenever someone asks 
me about the toxicity of Plutonium.  Recently, the question was asked 
and I whipped out the file and then they asked for the full reference 
for the information.  Unfortunately, I can only come up with a partial 
reference.  I seem to remember that I stole (please forgive me ;-) 
this from RADSAFE.  Anyone out there able to give me the full 
reference to the following table?

This is from Table 17 of "Selected Aspects of Plutonium in the Environment, 
and Its Toxicity."

Agent                Action & Site             Approximate amount to cause
                                               death in hours to days.
Pu (ingest)           GI tract                         500 mg
Pu (inhal)            Pul. edema                        25 mg
HCN                   Blood anoxia                      50 mg
Parathion             Blocked synapses                 100 mg
Arsenic               Chemical poison                  120 mg
Botulism toxin        Resp. paralysis                5 E-5 mg



Tracy N. Tipping                                Work: (913) 532-6782
Laboratory Safety Officer                       FAX:  (913) 532-6806
James R. Macdonald Laboratory                   Home: (913) 539-1378
Cardwell Hall                                   Amateur Radio: N0OEY
Kansas State University                         tipping@phys.ksu.edu
Manhattan, KS 66506-2604                        tipping@ksuvm.bitnet