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Press releases included

Okay, by popular demand, here they are.  I'm asking eudora to include them 
as three text files, which I've never done before; I hope it works.

If it does, they are in the following order:

1 - A press release issued preemptively in May, after an information leak 
led to "Channel 10 eyewitness news has learned ..." stuff.  Reporters were 
using the Freedom of Information Act to get copies of correspondence from 
NRC's public document rooms, so "we" decided to go with the flow.  They even 
had a press meeting in the Ohio Union, on campus, which a few reporters 
attended, at which copies of *our* copies of public-record correspondence 
were distributed.

2 - USNRC's press release announcing the fine, upstaged by the Simpson case 
breaking the same day in California.  (I still don't think Homer did it.)

3 - A damage-control press release put out by the University after we had a 
chance to look the situation over for a few hours.

You can see the first and third items firsthand, if you can use a gopher or 
http client.  The machines are known as gopher.acs.ohio-state.edu, and 
http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/  , respectively.

Okay, flame away.  I'm going to duck and cover.        - Albert




Albert Lee Vest    avest@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
health physicist        Office of Radiation Safety
(614)292-0122            The Ohio State University
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