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Forwarded-from: MIKEG
1. Ceramic microspheres are impressively resistant to normal incineration
temperatures (especially given some moisture protection from animal
2. I don't know how they are doing lately, but the University of Virginia
radsafe office used to have lots of experience in incineration of DIS
material, and C-14/H-3 of known quantities, etc. They did quite a bit of
ash counting (don't recall if any of their data made it to the literature).
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Stanford University or the US | Agency, US Navy, Metropolitan
Department of Energy. | Edison, Porter Consultants, etc.
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i happened to note:
r> animal carcasses that contain radioactive microspheres (Cr51, Ce141,
r> Ru103, Nb95). These are decayed prior to incineration to bring the
r> effluent
r> levels to where the microshere carcasses only account for 50 % of our
r> total radioactive incinerator effluent (for 10CFR20 and yes we also
we too have had experience incinerating carcs chock full o' microspheres
(Ce-141, Sr-89, Cr-51, Sc-46, Sn-113) and our analysis of incinerator
ash indicates very little if any of the activity goes up the stack but
rather remains in the ash....
in the name of curiousity could you discuss this subject further???
if you can find the time, any experiences you have had with monitoring
ash would be appreciated.
jb, uiuc health physics office
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