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Draft Agreement State Policy

Citation="59 FR 40058"
Subject="Draft Policy Statement on Agreement State Program"
   The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff is releasing the 
proposed policy statement on the Agreement State Program for 
public comment. The draft policy statement establishes Agreement 
State program principles, and describes the respective roles 
and responsibilities of the NRC and the States in the administration 
of this program, which is authorized by Section 274 of the Atomic 
Energy Act of 1954, as amended. Agreement States are States 
which have assumed regulatory authority from NRC over the possession 
and use of certain radioactive materials. 
   On August 25, 1993, the Commission requested the NRC staff 
to recommend improvements to the NRC's Agreement States Program 
to assure adequate protection of the public health and safety. 
This draft policy statement responds to the first area the Commission 
requested be considered, ``improvements in guidance and principles 
of operations for the Agreement State Program.'' This draft 
document is an ``umbrella'' policy statement which will serve 
as broad guidance in delineating the NRC's and the State's respective 
responsibilities and expectations. In this regard, the NRC especially 
requests comments on the following: 

   The Commission has proposed that the categories of findings 
made about adequacy of an Agreement State's program be Adequate, 
Marginally Adequate and Inadequate. For the Marginally Adequate 
finding, the NRC action could be either (a) followup reviews, 
or (b) probation with followup reviews, depending on whether 
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