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That pesky plutonium.
A sure-fire discussion starter:
Hypothetically, let us presume that a series of alpha detector calibration
standards were uncovered, consisting of several (less than 12) metal foils
doped somehow with plutonium-239. The total activity of these foils is
less than 2 microcuries. The facility at which the foils were discovered
has no further use for them.
In the interest of cost-saving, as well as resource conservation, one
wonders what the potential _legal_ market for these foils might be. While
the disposal cost might be high, relatively speaking, one wonders if it
might be lowered by the potential for re-use at another facility in the
same manner, as an alpha calibration curve.
Anyone want to continue the hypothesis?
*John DeLaHunt, EH&S *The Colorado College *
*jdelahunt@cc.colorado.edu*1125 Glen Avenue *
*hazmat-owner@csn.org *Colorado Springs, CO 80905*
*VOX: (719)389-6678 *FAX: (719)635-3177 *
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