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Whole body and lung counters

You should contact Helgeson Scientific Services (formerly Helgeson
Nuclear) at 1072A Serpentine Lane, Pleasanton, California 94566-4760.
(510) 846-3453, or FAX (510) 462-1157. As far as I know, these folks
pioneered whole body counting as a commercial service years and years
ago. Dave Pollard is the Vice President. As they are still in that
business, I am sure they can tell you all about what is available.

Steven Souza, Lockheed Missles and Space Co., Inc.
Alternate Radiation Safety Officer    tel (408) 742-0767
Sunnyvale, CA 94089                   fax (408) 742-0611
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From: "Gary H. Kramer" <gkramer@hpb.hwc.ca>
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Subject: Whole body and lung counters
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Does anybody know if there is a comprehensive list of whole body and/or
lung counting facilities in the USA.  If so, where is it and how do I get
that information?


| H     H   M       M   L	|  Gary H. Kramer			      |
| H     H   MM     MM   L	|  Head, Human Monitoring Laboratory	      |
| H     H   M M   M M   L	|  The Canadian National Calibration Reference|
| H     H   M  M M  M   L	|  Centre for In-Vivo Monitoring	      |
| HHHHHHH   M   M   M   L	|  775 Brookfield Road, Ottawa, Ontario	      |
| H     H   M       M   L	|  CANADA K1A 1C1			      |
| H     H   M       M   L	|  Tel: 613 954 6668;  Fax 613 957 1089	      |
| H     H   M       M   LLLLLLL |  GKRAMER@HPB.HWC.CA			      |