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Re: Health Physics Degree Programs
The list you are referring to is published each year in the Health
Physics Society newsletter, the November issue I believe. You should
be able to get a more recent one from last year's issue. The Academic
Program Directors are also in the process of putting together a
more extensive Sourcebook of HP Programs (along the lines of the ANS
Education Sourcebook). I believe it should be ready soon. Contact Wes
Bolch at Texas A&M (at Univ. of Florida after the first of the year)
since he is putting it together. I don't believe the HP newsletter
lists are available on Internet.
As far as remote delivery systems go, there is a graduate HP program
offered through the National Technical University (NTU). It consists of
courses that are taped and broadcast from a number of the HP Degree programs
listed on the HP Newsletter list. Contact Tom Borak at Colorado State for
more info. He is the program coordinator for this program.
Finally, if you have interests or questions in reference to the
University of Florida programs (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.) feel free to send me
personal E-mail, etc.
Dave Hintenlang, Ph.D.
Assoc. Professor
University of Florida