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looking into the future


It's that time of the year in which the administration is asking us to dust off
our crystal ball, consult Jeane Dixon or hop aboard H.G. Wells' time machine
and come up with a proposed budget for the future. The budget we are supposed
to come up with will cover the biennium between July 1, 1996 and June 30, 1998.
We know our current costs, growing trends and rate of inflation. What we don't 
know is what curves the regulatory environment is going to throw our way 
between now and then.

I'm asking for any suggestions, rumours, or first-hand information that any of
you might have heard or read. Suggested sources for future trends would also be
helpful. Some actions simply can't be predicted (like the temporary scare when 
the NRC eliminated the non-profit educational exemption), but others, (like the
revised 10CFR20) were in the works for quite a long time. 

Thank you all in advance for your help.

Jim Herrold
Radiation Safety Officer
University of Wyoming