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Re: Rad reading magnetic drum
- To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
- Subject: Re: Rad reading magnetic drum
- From: tdc@ehssun.lbl.gov (Ted M. de Castro)
- Date: Mon, 21 Nov 1994 07:28:46
- In-Reply-To: <M516225.001.mhy20.1665.941121150601Z.CC-MAIL*/O=EM/PRMD=USDOE/ADMD=ATTMAIL/C=US/@MHS>
>>Not knowing what this device looks like, it would be hard to tell. If it
>>is of the 1950's or 60's vintage there could very well be a static
>>eliminator somewhere in the device. Most of these devices were alpha
>>emitters I believe, and some had Polonium sources in them. We had some
>>static eliminators in a reproduction device in the old "Hobby Shop" in
>>Building 881 that had to be on the source registry. I dont remember what
>>the source strength was but I believe
>>it was several microcuries.
I don't think so!!
HOT easily available Po static eliminators got up as big a millicurie - BUT
even if it were CURIES - with a 137 day half life - there would not be much
left on a 50's 60's vintage device.
BTW - the drum memory I saw actually in use was considerably larger and in
the mid 60's - so the supposed date is reasonably correct.