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Re: waste storage

>What are you going to be storing that would motivate remote
>radiation alarms?   I think air sampling is a good idea if
>you have a lot of I125 waste;  even if it was in a stable
>form when the waste was generated, it might not remain that

With reference to the Store in Queensland, Australia:

The store is for all SEALED sources which are no longer used/past its RWL
etc in the state of Queensland. Thus potentially any activity of any isotope
(in sealed form) may be stored there. Short lived isotopes such as I125
generally will be stored by the user until it decays to activities where it
may be disposed of as inactive waste. In any case I125 is usually unsealed.


                        Alex Zapantis
                        Radiation Safety Officer                               
                        Queensland University of Technology          
                        Health & Safety Section                             
                        Locked Bag No.2
                        Red Hill Qld 4059

                        Ph     : 61 7 864 3566
                        fax     : 61 7 864 3993
                        email  : a.zapantis@qut.edu.au