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I-131 Therapies An additional $.02
{Original Msg: 'Re: I-131 therapies' from <root@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
{It may not decrease volume much, but we use Whatman Benchkote (SP?) for
{covering room floors. It is a plastic backed paper that has a
{texture similar to a heavy art paper so it has some absorbancy,
{but not a lot. The plastic backing is firmly bonded to the paper.
{We stick it down with duct tape and get a floor that doesn't
{present as much of a tripping or slipping hazard as absorbant paper.
{It peels up quickly and if folded and not wadded into a drum keeps
{the volume fairly small. We usually end up with 1 55 gallon drum and
{a bag with linen, telephone, and call button. We cycle the telephones
{and call buttons rather than decontaminating them. A room decon
{usually takes two people about two hours plus time to run wipes and
{return if needed. Occasionally, a decon will take longer. Explain
{to me how a patient can get I-131 underneath plastic backed paper
{without tearing :) I just can't figure it out. The prep is two
{people for about one hour.
{Usually the toilet is the toughest to decon. We once had a patient
{that required an elevated seat for the toilet. The crew found
{very little contamination on the seat itself and we just stored
{the elevated seat. The crew wanted to make every patient use one!
{They gave in when they found out that it cost the patient a couple
{of hundred dollars to get the elevated seat!
{One drawback to using Benchkote is that it costs about $100 to
{prep a room. Since we are a recharge unit, we find it is cost
{effective to use it. The staff time saved is more than enough
{to cover the cost of material. Let me know how this compares
{with your procedures. Good luck!
{Dale E. Boyce
Dale Boyce wrote about getting contamination under bench kote paper.
I have found that if you get the floor waxed just before putting down
your paper any contamination comes up pretty easily.
VA Medical Center, 1055 Clermont St. MS 115 - DISCLAIMER
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