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                                        - Captain Plutonium!

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Reply to Shelley Rosenblum:

Ah yes, the 20th century, where we spend BILLIONS of taxpayers dollars
"remediating" risks that are comparable to eating a banana every 10 days
(deadly potassium-40).  I personally can't think of any better way to spend
public funds.  

After all, we have pretty much taken care of all the real public health
issues, right?    We have PLENTY of money for innoculation of children against
diseases,  cancer research, AIDs research, you name it.  

It is time that we stop wasting money on imaginary risks to imaginary people. 
In a world of LIMITED resources (this is the world I live in, I don't know
about anyone else) it is morally reprehensible to squander resources on

Regulators who want to remediate all risks, REGARDLESS of any consideration of
costs or the reality of those risks, need to ask themselves some hard

Naturally, the views expressed above are my own opinions, and probably do not
reflect the opinions of anyone who has anything to do with my paycheck.