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computer network solutions for homework

Hi Radsafers,

Apparently the potential problems associated with students getting "broad"
sources of help for assignments through computer networks is not a new one
and has been around in the comp.lang.* newsgroups for some time. Most
groups there have established an etiquette that says that such questions
should not be answered. Informing relevant faculty of the attempt is, in my
mind, most appropriate. I would certaintly want to know of such an
occurence if it were one of my students; it would then be up to me to make
a judgment concerning whether this is cheating or not, especially since I
would have intimate familiarity with the particular assignment and
circumstances involved. Sometimes assignments are given which specifically
exclude getting outside assistance, while other assignements have no such
restrictions and actually encourage help from any source. I would agree
with generally NOT giving assistance if the circumstances of the assignment
are not known for sure, which is usually the case. I plan to add something
about computer e-mail into my own list of potential things NOT to do when I
pass out information about our Honor Code and Cheating Policy at the
beginning of each course.


Kim Kearfott.

              Kim Kearfott, Sc.D., C.H.P.
          Professor, Dept. Nuclear Engineering
 Program Advisor, Radiological Health Engineering
                University of Michigan
             108 Cooley Lab, North Campus
               Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2104
              telephone: (313) 763-9117
                 fax: (313) 763-4540
        electronic mail: kearfott@engin.umich.edu