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Re: "Disposal" of Radioactive Animals
>I believe that there is a system now available for >disolving" carcasses,
but I don't recall exactly from >where.
The device referred to is a giant pressure cooker, fueled by animal
carcasses, 1 N NaOH, and heat. It was "invented" by Dr. Gordon I. Kaye at
Albany Medical College, Albany , NY, 12208. He has presented at several
meetings. I think it was published in Health Physics a few years ago, but I
can't find my reprint for the exact reference.
I have not seen any stance from the NRC on this gizzmo. There may be issues
of treating waste, allowable discharge limits, etc. It is worth a try if
you need it.
I believe he formed a company to sell these units in varying sizes,
depending on the species.!
Jeff Derge